Welcome To Mr. Celedon's Webpage

8th grade Math & Algebra 1

email address efrain.celedon@lavillaisd.org

Conference period:

9:35 am - 10:15 am

Classes Linked by Google Classroom

8th grade Math - 1st/2nd period block

Class code - hac3l4u

Algebra 1 - 4th/5th period block

Class code - z4ozoiz

8th grade Math - 8th/9th period block

Class code - 4ijj6py

Grad pic

Cardinal Family, welcome back for the 2024-2025 school year! I am your Algebra 1 or 8th grade Math teacher. This is my 7th year as an educator, my 4th year with La Villa ISD, and my 3rd year at LVMS. I look forward to teaching your children and working with you to improve their academic experience and raise their expectations at La Villa Middle School.

Our Curriculum: Carnegie Learning

High-Quality Instructional Material (HQIM)

*What is HQIM?

High-Quality Instructional Material (HQIM) refers to the quality of instruction in your child's classroom.

*What does it offer?

  • Alignment to State standards (TEKS)

  • Rich and reflective content

  • Relevant and unbiased

  • Highly-engaging

Frequently monitored through assessments (Bell-ringers, Exit-tickets, Mid-unit, and End-of-unit assessments)