Welcome To Mr. Cisneros Class
Hello, everyone! My name is Mr. Cisneros. I am the Technology Teacher and the 7th grade math teacher. I also teach the advance math class. It is a pleasure to work with you and your child or children. Please let me know if you have any questions. My email is Raul.Cisneros@lavillaisd.org.
Educational Background
I have been a teacher for 5 years. My educational background includes a bachelor's in finance from Texas A&M University (College Station, Texas). I also have two master degrees in public administration and curriculum and instruction in math. I also hold 3 certifications, which are
1) 4-8 Generalist
2) 7-12 Social Studies Composite
3) 7-12 Business Finance Composite

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

Technology Class- Special Effects
Dear Parents and Community Members,
For the past several years, our curriculum that we have used, at the middle school, has been Carnagie Math. It is a curriculum that mixes rigor, relevance, and real world applications into every day instruction, allowing students to master the skill sets needed for the 21 century. Below is a link that allows students access to the curriculum at any time.
Some Important Websites for Math:
The Technology Website is as Follows: