Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework that focuses on intervention best practices within the areas of academics, behavior, and social/emotional supports for the whole child. Tiers are based on student need and increase the level of support provided as a student moves from classroom-wide, to targeted and intensive interventions.
The goal of MTSS is to find struggling students early and quickly provide intervention. The systems use interventions proven by research to meet a student’s needs. Progress monitoring data is used to make decisions about movement between the tiers.
There are typically three tiers of support in an MTSS model:
Tier 1 includes high quality classroom-wide instruction and support for all students.
Tier 2 provides targeted support to address a student’s gaps in skills.
Tier 3 involves intensive support usually provided more often and in smaller groups.
Schools may NOT...
Use MTSS to delay or deny access to special education or other supports for students.
Require a student to go through all MTSS tiers or spend a certain amount of time in MTSS before they are referred for a special education evaluation.
Additional Resources:
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Questions and Answers (pdf)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support - Texas Education Agency (pdf)
Multi-tiered System of Supports for Mental Health
A parent may request an evaluation through Section 504 or Special Education at any time through the MTSS process. For additional information contact your campus MTSS coordinator:
Edward Rivera
JBME Principal
Lydia Gonzalez
LVMS Principal
Michael Solis
LVECHS Principal
Additional resources and information for parents can be found on the SPEDTex website: 1.855773.3839