Game on LV Cardinals vs Premont Cowboys GTW Cardinals! Excellence in Action!
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Boys Powerlifting Team competing today at Weslaco East Invitational!
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Game time! LV Cardinals vs. Riviera Kaufer Seahawks GTW Cardinals!
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
***Lockdown Lifted***
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Lockdown Lifted
***Attention LVECHS*** Delayed start of school for tomorrow - Fri. (1/20) Reporting Times 9:00am All Staff 9:30am All Students Students report directly to their 2nd period class tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
The 2022 LVECHS Cardinal Softball Schedule is out! Mark your calendars for the events.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
A COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be held tomorrow (1/18) from 3:30pm - 6:30pm at the multipurpose center. We encourage anyone who is interested to please participate.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
The 2022 LVECHS Cardinal Baseball Schedule is out! Mark your calendars for the events.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Baseball Schedule
***Attention Cardinal Family*** Monday(1/17): Prof. Dev. Day (Faculty and Staff Only) Tuesday(1/18): Resume regular class schedule for students, faculty, and staff
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Return Schedule
***Postponed*** Cardinal Family Tonight's LV Cardinal Basketball Games vs. Premont have been postponed
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
BB Postponed
The 2022 LVECHS Cardinal Track and Field Schedule is out! Mark your calendars for the events.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
LVECHS T&F Schedule
Good Luck to our Lady Cardinal Powerlifters as they compete at the Trailblazer Invitational. #LadyCardinalStrong 💪 (Polly Almazan, Melaneigh Contreras, Yaretzy Gomez)
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Excellence in Action! Congratulations to our LVECHS DECA who qualified for State Competition in Houston! Anfernie Hinojosa Nora Rodríguez Miguel Crispín Ricardo Rios
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
LVECHS is DECA Strong! Best of luck to our LVECHS DECA at today's District competition in McAllen!
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Parents, students and community members, download the La Villa ISD app to receive information from the District and Campuses.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Attention Cardinal Families, Curbside pick up meals will be available Thurs. (1/13) and Fri. (1/14) @ LVMS from 9-11am.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Curbside Meal
LVISD will be closed Thursday (1/13) and Friday (1/14). Please see important letter from Superintendent Robert Muñoz.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
School Closure
Excellence in Action! Congratulations to our LVECHS Boys Powerlifting Team who placed the EEISD Powerlifting Competition ! 198 lb Jerry Reyes 1st place 198 lb Ever Reyes 2nd place 275 lb Jaime Elissetche 2nd place 132 lb Modesto Reyes 2nd place AJ Contreras 3rd place 148lb Jayden Silguero 4th place 148lb Jacob Espericueta 6th place 148lb
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Antonio Layton Jr.
Boys PowerLifting
Effective Immediately Masks will be required to be worn at all indoor facilities
about 3 years ago, La VIlla Independent School District